Tuesday, 14 December 2010

The Angel, the Bicycle and the Chinaman's Finger

I need to get a copy!

The Angel, the Bicycle and the Chinaman's Finger


Genre: Comedy


Nicholas Ellenbogen, Koos Roets


Brendan Grealy and Ellis Pearson

Imdb rating:

Plot and Review:

A gentle, hilarious South African gem that deserves more attention. On the brink of the country's transformation (from an Apartheid dictatorship to a democracy), South Africa's economy hangs in the balance. An overseas conglomerate wishes to invest a great deal of cash in the country, but the executives demand evidence of the country's willingness to integrate its racially diverse population and move forward. A tiny backwater village is selected at random and the local post office's staff commanded to produce a play - with multiracial cast and crew - in time for the foreigners' visit. Only one single, solitary play script is to be found in the local library... Can the townsfolk of the mythical Karoo village resolve their differences and present a workable production of The Nativity in time to save their country? Starring the inimitable Ellis Pearson and Greg Melville-Smith and written by Theatre For Africa's Nicholas Ellenbogen, this film is a rare treat – see it if you can get your sticky paws on a copy.

Best Line

Unfortunately i cannot find the best line... We can only dream what it would be :(

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