Wednesday, 15 December 2010

A Plaster, a Paper and a Cheese & Pickle Sandwich

Do you ever wake up in the morning, have a shower and then log onto the internet to find a ridiculous short movie with a name that sort of looks like it could be a haiku but in actual fact isn't in anyway? No? Just me then. So I proudly present to you -

A Plaster, a Paper and a Cheese & Pickle Sandwich

Sheena Holliday
Adam Greenwood, Sheena Holliday
Alan Clover, Jane Clover and Phillip Collins
IMDB Rating:

A quiet, film obsessed, young man called Murphy inherits a flat in a run down seaside town and befriends his cranky and slightly odd next door neighbor Frank. An unusual friendship develops between the unlikely pair, wasting away their days watching rented videos and enjoying Murphy's other hobby...

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